What is UX Design?

Steve Pearce (Skype) und Mat Hunter (Design Council) erläutern in diesem interessanten Video des Design Council Ihrer Sicht, was UX Design für Sie bedeutet sowie welche Chancen und Herausforderungen damit verbunden sind.

“The issue that we have today is that everything is hyper-connected. So it’s like playing multi-dimensional chess with multiple players.

Dating back to the advent of the personal computer, in particular the 1984 launch of the Macintosh, UX design today represents a incredibly diverse and complex world. In this video, Steve ‘Buzz’ Pearce, Design Director at Skype, and Mat Hunter, Chief Design Officer at the Design Council, talk about what ‘UX design’ means, finding the ‘soul’ of a digital product and how we’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible.

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