Das Internet: Für Amerikaner eine wichtige Quelle für Gesundheitsinformationen

Im Mai 2006 veröffentlichten Mary Madden and Susannah Fox vom PWE Internet & American Life Project einen Bericht über die Nutzung des Internets in Amerika:

Recent research from the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that, as more Americans come online, more rely on the internet for important health information. Many Americans are deepening their connections to the internet, whether for entertainment or to help a loved one through a crisis. And though the audience for the latest DVD may be larger than the audience for clinical trial information, the impact on someone’s life in the latter case may be dramatically different in scale. Fully 58% of those who found the internet to be crucial or important during a loved one’s recent health crisis say the single most important source of information was something they found online.

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Finding Answers Online in Sickness and in Health

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