Remote Usability Test

Menghini Calderón Fabrizio Antonio veröffentlichte auf seinem Weblog einen Artikel über Remote Usability Tests. Neben Tipps zur Rekrutierung von Probanden, geeigneter Techniken und zur Duchführung stellt er einige Vor- und Nachteile gegenüber:
“The diffusion of screen sharing software and remote control applications is slowly changing how usability evaluations are conducting because usability experts can now interact with users geographically distant and with different cultural backgrounds. Moreover Internet and fast broadband connection strengthen the ability to deploy high quality videos and makes user observation more accurate for usability evaluators. With this premises we can define remote usability testing as a technique that exploits user home (or office!), transforming it into an usability laboratory where user observation can be done with screen sharing applications.”


Remote usability testing

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