emotional decision making

Screenshot: headrush.typepad.com/creating_passionate_users/

Kathy Sierra about decision making:
“No matter how enlightened and politically correct we’ve become, most people still tend to believe that when making decisions, men are less driven by emotions than women. Men use left-brained (metaphorically speaking) logical, rational thought. Men are persuaded to buy or act based on thinking, not feeling, while women do the opposite. You know, that whole Mars and Venus thing.
This wouldn’t be so bad if those left-brained characteristics weren’t seen as being more… virtuous.
You’re all making decisions emotionally. You can deny it all you want, but you should be grateful for emotions. Without them, you’d remember almost nothing. Without them, you wouldn’t learn much. Without them… you’d probably be dead. (And not much fun at parties or, for that matter, in bed ; ))
The key points for learning and marketing and creating passionate users is to keep this in mind:
People don’t choose rationally to listen to your message and then have a feeling about it. They choose to listen to your message because they have a feeling about it.
If you’re basing your communications solely on logical, rational, reasoned facts… the brain is not your friend. Emotions are the gatekeeper… if you want in, you gotta talk to the amygdala.”
related link:
You’re emotional. Deal with it.

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