Während meiner Arbeit als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Projekt medienquadrat der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ist in Zusammenarbeit mit Annett Zobel und Matthias Hupfer unter der Leitung von Prof. Wüthrich das Paper “Axes to classify Learning Content Units” entstanden.
In dem Paper wird ein Framework für die Strukturierung von kooperativ gepflegten Lerninhaltepools für die Hochschullehre vorgestellt. Das Paper ist in english, da es auf der Weltkonferenz für E-Learning in Unternehmen, Öffentlichen Organisationen, Medizin und Hochschulen 2002 in Montréal vorgestellt wurde.
Zobel, A. / Hupfer, M. / Schubert, U. / Wüthrich, C.A. (2002): “Axes to classify Learning Content Units”, Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, October 15-19, 2002, Montréal, Canada, pp. 2454-2456, compact disk proceedings published by Association for the Advancement of Comuting in Education.
In this paper we propose a theoretical framework for structuring pools of learning material cooperatively maintained by students and teaching staff in higher education. In many learning technologies documents are modularised in units we here call Content Units. Authors create Content Units and need to sort them into a structured pool. Authors of learning or course documents need to find the Content Units in the pool to integrate them into documents.
Our Content Units in documents are exchangeable so that for a specific learner the best version can be picked up from the pool dynamically during the rendering process. For structuring the content pool we use 6 main axes to classify a Content Unit.
Zobel, A. / Hupfer, M. / Schubert, U. / Wüthrich, C.A. (2002): “Axes to classify Learning Content Units”, Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education, October 15-19, 2002, Montréal, Canada, pp. 2454-2456, compact disk proceedings published by Association for the Advancement of Comuting in Education.