Web Accessibility for Screen Magnifier Users

Screenshot: aisquared.com

Trenton Moss at usabilitynews.com about Web Accessibility for Screen Magnifier Users:
“The needs of screen magnifier users are overlooked when implementing web accessibility on to a website. Screen magnifiers are used by partially sighted web users to increase the size of on-screen elements.
Some users will magnify the screen so that only three to four words are able to appear on the screen at any one time. (…) The good news is that some of the basic principles for improving accessibility and usability for screen magnifiers users also increase usability for everyone. To help, I’ve listed six ways to improve accessibility and usability for screen magnifier users:”

  • Don’t embed text within images
  • Clearly separate sections of the page
  • Use clear and descriptive headings often
  • Ensure link text is descriptive of its destination
  • Avoid scrolling or flashing text
  • Front-load paragraph content


Feature: Doing Web Accessibility for Screen Magnifier Users

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